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Chant du sacre ou la Veille des Armes., édition originale

or the day before the weapons.

Chant du sacre
Réf. 42449

LAMARTINE (Alphonse de.)

Paris  -  Urbain Canel et Baudouin frères  -  1825

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 64 pp.
  • Language : Français

Mid-marrow blue bradel half-marbled posterior binding. Smooth spine with golden date on the heel. Book illustrated with thumbnails in the text.

Book followed by the booklet of the book:  "From the coronation ceremonies" by M. C. Leber (4 pp.).

ORIGINAL EDITION  of first state including well at the bottom of page 19: "This great name is covered by my brother's forgiveness: The son bought spine his father's weapons!" 

Nice copy.

Categories : First edition, Poetry
From the same author

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