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Cosima ou la haine dans l’amour., édition originale

Drama in five acts preceded by a prologue.

Cosima ou la haine dans l’amour.
Réf. 75120

SAND (George)

Paris  -  Félix Bonnaire, Charles Tresse  -  1840

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 152 pp.

Bound in full red jansenist morocco. Spine ribbed. Gilt headband. Gilded fillets and fine floral roulettes on the edges. Binding signed Antoine JOLY.

ORIGINAL EDITION illustrated with a portrait of the author engraved in 1836 by Calamatta.

Enriched copy with an AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED by George Sand, one page at the top, cold monogrammed G.S., Nohant, January 1st: "we're going to eat a truffled turkey, where are you [...] your poor daisy is ill, and we didn't know it [...] I've been ill all summer [...] Give our love to your wife and children [...]".

Good condition.

From the same author

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