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Cyrano de Bergerac., édition originale

Heroic comedy in five acts in verse.

Cyrano de Bergerac.
Réf. 43923

ROSTAND (Edmond)

Paris  -  Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, Eugène Fasquelle  -  1898

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 225 pp.

Soft green cover. Very fresh interior .

ORIGINAL EDITION of this play, famous for the tirade of Cyrano's noses (Act I, Scene IV), which was first performed in Paris at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin on 28 December 1897.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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