La fortune des Rougon, édition originale
ZOLA (Émile)
Paris - A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie - 1871
- Bookbinder : DEVAUCHELLE
- Format : In-12.
- Number of volumes : 1 volume.
- Binding : Bound.
- Collation : 400 pp.
Leather-edged slipcase. Bound in full burgundy morocco. Spine with raised bands with golden date on the heel. All slices golden. Cover kept. Golden lace inside. Binding signed DEVAUCHELLE.
VERY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE ROUGON-MACQUART SERIES with the first cover dated 1871; a second cover dated 1872 was made for this edition and the copies with cover at the right date are very rare.
Attachments: postcard depicting "Émile Zola in his office"; Octave Uzanne's article on Émile Zola (a printed sheet, mounted on a tab at the top of the copy).
Very nice copy.
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