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Mont-Oriol, édition originale

Réf. 43748


Paris  -  Victor Havard  -  1887

  • Bookbinder : SEMET & PLUMELLE
  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 367 pp.
  • Language : Français

Leather-edged slipcase. Bound in solid mahogany morocco. Finely spine with raised bands decorated with cold boxes. Sets of cold fillets framing the boards. Gilded edges on witnesses. Golden lace inside. Original paper covers and spine bound in. Binding signed SEMET and PLUMELLE.

ORIGINAL EDITION of this novel "all tenderness and gentleness" (Maupassant, interview published by Le Temps on February 12, 1887), which relates a happy and then disappointed love passion against a spinedrop of financial speculation in a city of water.

One of the 100 paper copies from Holland, the only large paper.

Magnificent specimen in full morocco.

From the same author

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