Foreign literature 19th Century

Foreign literature of the 19th: old books, rare or original edition to love, discover or collect foreign literature for the 19th century.

79 books in this category
Contes d'Hoffmann
Réf. 83370

Contes d'Hoffmann

Lyon - Imprimerie de Boursy Fils - 1848

ÉDITION ORIGINALE de ces trois contes parmi les plus extraordinaires et les plus fantastiques de l'auteur : L'Esprit élémentaire - Les Brigands - Les Méprises et les Mystères.

Réf. 83369


Paris - Pougin - 1838
Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires
Réf. 77125

Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires

Paris - Michel Levy Frères - 1857

ORIGINAL EDITION of the French translation by Baudelaire, for which no large papers were printed. …

Mémoires d'un seigneur russe ou Tableau de la situation actuelle des nobles et des paysans dans les provinces russes
Réf. 75426

Mémoires d'un seigneur russe ou Tableau de la …

Paris - Hachette Et Cie - 1854

ÉDITION ORIGINALE peu commune de la traction par Ernest Charrière de cet ouvrage publié deux ans plus tôt en russe, sous le titre "Mémoires ou journal d'un chasseur". Il s'agit de la première oeuvre de Tourgueniev parue en France. Le nom de l'auteur…

Balzac en pantoufles
Réf. 72448

Balzac en pantoufles

Bruxelles et Leipzig. - Kiessling, Schnée et Cie. - 1856.

2nd edition. Edition authorized for Belgium and abroad, forbidden for France.…

Our Blue Jackets
Réf. 72360

Our Blue Jackets.

Londres. - Hodder and Stoughton. - 1894.

New edition revised and elarged.

Published entirely in English.…

Réf. 70366
Le milieu
Réf. 69229

Le milieu

Paris. - Librairie Floury. - 1934.

Preface by René Benjamin.…

Bibliothèque latine-française de traductions nouvelles des auteurs latins : Mémoires Jules César - Tomes 1 à 3
Réf. 68036

Bibliothèque latine-française de traductions …

Paris. - Imprimerie de C.-L.-F. Panckoucke. - 1832.

New translation by Mr. Artaud.

Nice edition of the French translation of the Memoirs of Julius Caesar. Military and renowned politician, Caius Iulius Caesar was also a fine scholar who left to posterity several written testimonies. We can well…

Trees, And how to Paint them in Water-Colours
Réf. 64790

Trees, And how to Paint them in Water-Colours

Londres, Paris et New-York. - Cassell & Company. - 1883.

2nd edition.…

Le vrai visage des Saints
Réf. 64131

Le vrai visage des Saints

Paris. - Desclée de Brouwer. - 1955.

Original title: Das Wahre Gesicht der Heiligen.

Introduction and text by W. Schamoni. Preface by R.P. Paul Doncoeur, S.J.…

Réf. 63395


Londres. - Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. - 1884.

FIRST EDITION. "Sixtieth thousand."

Entirely published in English.

Jackanapes or the illustrated account of the life of the eponymous young hero deserving his first name, the latter meaning "rascal". Discover each step of his journey - narrated in…

Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponnèse, par Thucydide - Tomes I à IV
Réf. 62666

Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponnèse, par …

Paris. - Firmin-Didot. - 1853.

French translation by Ambr. Firmin-Didot.

With observations, by M. de Brussy and Ambr. Firmin-Didot.

Bilingual Greco-French edition.

Collection of books compiling Thucydides' account of the Atheno-Spartite conflict during his lifetime. Give in to…

La bague trouvée ou les fruits d'une bonne éducation
Réf. 62375

La bonne Fridoline et la méchante Dorothée

Tours. - Mame et fils. - 1888.

A little German story about two eponymous characters who are at odds with each other. Which one do you think will win at the end of the story? Will morality be respected? The only way to find out is to dive into it.…

La bonne Fridoline et la méchante Dorothée
Réf. 62372

La bonne Fridoline et la méchante Dorothée

Tours. - Mame et fils. - 1889.

A little German story about two eponymous characters who are at odds with each other. Which one do you think will win at the end of the story? Will morality be respected? The only way to find out is to dive into it.…

Philips' map of London and its environs
Réf. 62228

Philips' map of London and its environs

Londres. - George Philip & son. - Non-daté (XIXe siècle).

New and corrected edition.

A small book hiding a big content: a most complete map of the London of yesteryear. Its historical importance is indisputable, as it shows us with great precision the face of the city in the past, with its streets and…


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