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Le vrai Chevalier de Maison-Rouge., édition originale

A.D.J. Gonzze de Rougeville 1761-1814 from unpublished documents

Le vrai Chevalier de Maison-Rouge
Réf. 59304


Paris.  -  Perrin et Cie.  -  1894.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Connected.
  • Collation : 329 pp.

Green-shadow half-binding. Spine with five raised bands with double fillets in the binding, gilt fleurons, title and author's mention in the boxes. Bound in good condition. All edges speckled. Small tear on the title page. Scattered freckles in the contents. Black and white frontispiece. Contents with black and white illustrations outside the text. Work accompanied by a cloth bookmark.


A work retracing the journey of a historical character, at the very least particular. So unorthodox that he was even immortalized by the pen of Alexandre Dumas: the Knight of the Red House. A fervent French royalist during the Revolution and an inveterate seducer, Alexandre Gonsse de Rougeville was indeed a good source of inspiration. But here the author of this book is interested not in the man of paper but the man of flesh, and gives us the fruit of his work to distinguish reality from fiction.

In good condition.

From the same author

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