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Le Cas du Vidame, par l'Académicien d'estampes.

Le Cas du Vidame, par l'Académicien d'estampes.
Réf. 43810

ROBIDA (Albert) illustrated by ROBIDA

Paris  -  Librairie illustrée  -  Sans date (1891).

  • Bookbinder : CARAYON
  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 53 pp.

Black half-chagrin binding  with large corners. Nervous spine  with golden title. Top edge gilt. Original paper covers and spine bound in. Black and white illustrations in and out of text by Albert ROBIDA. Weary jaw.

A pearly Japanese paper copy of this humorous tale, pleasantly illustrated by ROBIDA.

It is enriched with a BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL AQUARELLE in the format of the book signed A. ROBIDA and reproduced on page 136 of Robida's book "Mesdames nos aïeules".

Copy enriched, in false title, with an autographed letter signed by A. Mariani to Jules Claretie: "To Mr. Jules Claretie tribute of his grateful whole A. Mariani". On the false title also signed by J. Claretie and dated December 18, 1891, the following dominatrix: "This story is by a man named Beaumont who for a while wrote the scientific letter of Le Figaro and currently wrote the ads in verse of soap from Congo".

Nice copy.

From the same author

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