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Odes funambulesques, édition originale

Odes funambulesques
Réf. 52250

BANVILLE (Théodore de.)

Paris  -  Poulet-Malassis et De Broise  -  1857

  • Bookbinder : MERCIER
  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : XX-243 pp.

In a lined case and under a half-marbled shirt. Full green morocco binding. Spine with raised bands decorated with golden and mosaic boxes. Frame of a double gilded net and a lemon morocco listel with irregular contours in the corners. Golden flowers on the corners. Gilded edges on witnesses. Dark green morocco lining, inner gold lace, brocaded silk guards, double marbled paper guards. Original paper covers and spine bound in. Binding signed MERCIER sr. de Cuzin.

ORIGINAL EDITION, decorated with a frontispiece engraved with etching by Félix Bracquemond after a drawing by Charles Voillemot. ONE OF THE SOME RARE EXEMPLARES ON FINE VERGED PAPER (50 copies printed according to Clouzot).

This copy contains Charles Delioux's music leaflet for the Triolets, placed between pp. 8-9.

Copy ENRICHI of the famous piece in AUTOGRAPHY VERSATILE of Banville addressed to Catulle Mendès, copied on a copy of the Odes funambulesques, then printed in Sonnailles et clochettes in 1860 (6 quatrains copied in 2 sheets and mounted at the top) :

Very often, weary of the Philistines, / And troubled eyes, dear Catullus / By the hair of dyed Philis, / I would gladly go to Tulle (...).

Louis Barthou and Pierre Guérin libraries.

Perfect binding mosaic and lined with Mercier.

From the same author

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