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Contes choisis
Réf. 52249

MAUPASSANT (Guy de.) illustrated by Georges Jeanniot, Henry Manesse, Evert Van Muyden, Paul Gervais, Pierre Vidal, Paul Avril, Gérardin, Georges Scott, Émile Adam

Paris  -  Société des Bibliophiles contemporains  -  1891-1892

  • Bookbinder : NOULHAC
  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 10 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.

In a bordered case. Full leather binding in various colours (blue, orange, red, green, havana, etc.). Ribbed spine with gold date on the heel. Plates decorated with golden flowers and mosaic on the corners, inside lace. Gilded edges on witnesses. Covers preserved. Binding signed NOULHAC. Some spines are very slightly lightened.

Complete collection of the ten tales published by the Society of Contemporary Bibliophiles. It includes the following titles, each printed in 188 copies:

1) A Campaign Part. 1892: this tale has not been illustrated.

2) The Wreck. 1892: this tale was not illustrated.

3) Fly, memory of a canoeist. 1892: 22 compositions engraved on copper after drawings by Ferdinand Gueltry.

4) Hautot père & fils. 1892: 12 compositions drawn by Georges Jeanniot, including 3 out of text, intaglioed, retouched with etching and burin by Henry Manesse and printed in polychrome intaglio.

5) The Wolf. 1891: 12 compositions engraved in aquatint by Evert Van Muyden.

6) The Field of Olive Trees. 1892 : 3 plates and 6 drawings by Paul Gervais.

7) The Tellier House. 1892: 25 line and watercolour compositions by Pierre Vidal.

8) Allouma. 1892: 4 colour illustrations by Paul Avril.

9) Mademoiselle Fifi. 1892: 4 plates and 18 drawings by Gérardin and Charles Morel.

10) Un Soir. 1892: 27 woodcuts based on drawings by Georges Scott.

The tales Une Partie de campagne and L'Épave were initially not illustrated, each of the members of the Académie des Beaux livres having to reserve the right to have it decorated in the margins with original drawings by artists of their choice.

In this set, the first tale, mounted on tabs, is ENRICHED WITH 2 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, as well as 20 RAVISHING AQUARELLES IN THE MARGINS by Emilie ADAM; the artist's project for this illustration, composed of 20 ORIGINAL AQUARELLES on strong paper, is also distributed in the volume.

As for the second one, it is enriched with 6 lithographs with remarks by Alexandre Lunois.

The colour frontispiece by Henri Boutet, distributed to the members after the publication of Une Partie de campagne is bound at the end of the volume.

Printed for Henri Thuile, perhaps unique in this state. Each volume contains its ravishing decorated cover which reflects the particular taste of Octave Uzanne, then president of the contemporary bibliophiles.

The general frontispiece and that of Mademoiselle Fifi have unloaded.

Great outfit.

From the same author

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