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Contes cruels

Contes cruels d’Auguste Villiers de l’Isle Adam – Illustration Paul Maurice Vigoureux
Réf. 40976

VILLIERS DE L'ISLE ADAM (Auguste) illustrated by VIGOUREUX (Paul Maurice)

Paris  -  René Kieffer  -  1925

  • Bookbinder : René KIEFFER
  • Format : Fort in-8.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : 333 pp.

Leather-edged slipcase. Full purple morocco binding entirely decorated with a decoration of gilded, mosaic and cold pastilles on a central band also decorated with cold. Polychrome mosaic strips bordering the plants and running on the smooth spine. Top edge gilt. Illustrated cover preserved. Binding signed René KIEFFER .

Limited edition to 500 numbered copies. This one of the 25 head specimens, with three etchings including pure etchings .

Unique copy comprising:


- The suites of the 20 etchings on large vellum, silk and parchment in first and second state.

The stories gathered by Villiers are very diverse. Their common denominator is, according to the author, cruelty. Indeed, Villiers shows without blushing, sometimes cynically, the failings of his contemporaries

Very good condition.

Categories : Theater - Tales
From the same author

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