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Contes. Illustrations de Henry Lemarié

Contes. Illustrations de Henry Lemarié
Réf. 1151

LA FONTAINE (Jean de.) illustrated by Henri LEMARIÉ

Paris  -  Les Editions D'art Les Heures Claires  -  1970

  • Format : In-4
  • Number of volumes : 3 volumes.
  • Binding : In sheets
  • Collation : Tome 1: 163 pp.Tome 2: 165 pp.Tome 3: 177 pp.
  • Language : Français

Filled undercover, richly decorated shirt and case from the publisher. The interior is perfectly fresh and white. Colour illustrations by Henry Lemarié. Text in a pink frame. Not trimmed. The engraving of some 3000 woods necessary for the reproduction of Henry Lemarie's watercolours is the work of Jean TARICCO. Their impression is due to the care of Marcel MARSILLAC pressier.

LIMITED DRAWING NUMBERED at 2850 numbered copies on Rives vellum.

Very nice set, very fresh.

Categories : Theater - Tales
From the same author

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