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Le premier livre de Contes et Nouvelles

Le premier livre de Contes et Nouvelles
Réf. 35152

LA FONTAINE (Jean de.) illustrated by CARLEGLE

Paris  -  Xavier Havermans  -  Sans date (1920)

  • Format : In-4
  • Number of volumes : 1
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Collation : 89 pp.
  • Language : Français

Filled printed cover. Perfect interior on beautiful Imperial Japanese paper. Decorated with colour drawings by CARLEGLE. Not trimmed.

Copy of the illustrator from the exhibition sale organized by Carlègle's friends for the benefit of his widow at the Galerie Malesherbes in January 1938. 14 numbered copies on pearly white Japan in the tank with subsequent on Japan, exceptionally enriched with about 30 ORIGINAL pen drawings.

Excellent condition.

Categories : Theater - Tales
From the same author

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