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Oeuvres de La Fontaine

Oeuvres de La Fontaine
Réf. 36932

LA FONTAINE (Jean de.)

Paris  -  Chez E. A. Lequien  -  1824

  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 5 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Language : Français

Full binding of green glazed calf leather. Spine with nerves adorned with a band of golden mosaics. Gilded frame frieze on the boards. All marbled slices. Clean interior with clear freckles. Portrait of La Fontaine on the frontispiece of Volume 1.

Volume 1: Tales. Volume 2: Tales. Volume 3: Theatre. Volumes 4 and 5: Various works.

Nice outfit.

Categories : Theater - Tales
From the same author

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