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Oeuvres de Molière

Oeuvres de Molière
Réf. 1835


Paris  -  Chez Lefèvre Libraire  -  1824

  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 9 volumes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1: CCI pp.+269 pp.Tome 2: 411 pp.Tome 3: 499 pp.Tome 4: 457 pp.Tome 5: 547 pp. Tome 6: 429 pp. Tome 7: 382 pp.Tome 8: 571 pp.Tome 9: 145 pp. +70 pp.
  • Language : Français

Glazed half-calf calf binding. Smooth spines decorated with golden fillets. Three speckled slices. Binding signed CAPE. Very clean interior.Volume I: Preface by the Editor - Life of Molière - History of the Molière Troop - The TOURNESS, or THE COUNTER-TIMES, a five-act comedy - THE LOVEY FLOW, a five-act comedy - Scene from the DENIAISE of Gillet de la Tessonnière, imitated by Molière. - Volume II: THE PRECIOUS RIDICULES, one-act comedy - SGANARELLE, or THE IMAGINARY COCU, one-act comedy - GIFT OF NAVARRE, or THE JALOUX PRINCE - Fragment of the PRINCIPLE GELOSO of Cicognini, imitated by Molière - THE SCHOOL OF HARMLESSES. - Volume III: THE SCHOOL OF WOMEN - THE CRITICY OF THE SCHOOL OF WOMEN - THE IMPROMPTU OF VERSAILLES - THE STRONG MARRIAGE - THE PRINCESS OF ELIDE - THE PLEASURES OF THE WANTING ISLAND. - Volume IV: DON JUAN, or THE STONE FESTIN - DON JUAN, OR THE STONE FESTIN by Thomas Corneille - MEDICAL LOVE - MISANTHROPE. - Volume V: THE MALGAR MEDICINE HIM - MELICERTY - COMIC PASTORAL - THE SICILIAN, or THE PAINTED LOVE - THE TARTUFFE - AMPHITRYON. - Volume VI: L'AVARE, comedy in five acts - GEORGES DANDIN, or LE MARI CONFONDU, comedy in three acts - RELATION OF THE FESTIVAL OF VERSAILLES, July 18, 1668 - MONSIEUR DE POURCEAUGNAC, comedy-ballet in three acts. - Volume VII: MAGNIFICANT AMANTS - LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME - PSYCHE, tragedy-ballet. - Volume VIII: SCAPIN FURNITIES - THE ESCARBAGNAS COUNTRY - BALLET OF BALLETS - KNOWN WOMEN - THE IMAGINARY DISEASE followed by M. La Mothe-le-Vayer - THE GLOW OF THE DOME OF THE VAL-DE-GRACE. Volume IX: Speech on comedy and Molière's life from the edition of Molière's works with comments by M. Auger, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1827. Decorated with a folding genealogical map. [Followed by] Two unpublished pieces by J.-B. P. Molière, Paris, Th. Desoer, 1819. Without the frontispiece on Volume I.

Very nice set. Completely complete.

Categories : Theater - Tales
From the same author

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