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Voltaire apologiste de la religion chrétienne, édition originale

Voltaire apologiste de la religion chrétienne
Réf. 59494

MERAULT DE BIZY (Athanase-René)

Lyon/Paris.  -  Perisse frères.  -  1826.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 408 pp.

Brown half-basane binding. Smooth spine with fillets, friezes and gold fleurons. Spine with a dark brown morocco piece on which the title is written in gold. All edges marbled. Small tear at the base of the title page. Gallery through the content not affecting the reading. Small scattered freckles in the content.


Voltaire apologizes for the Christian religion or how the author of Apologistes involontaires demonstrates that Voltaire - a philosopher reputed to be profoundly atheist - was able to take a stand in favour of religion during his lifetime. To unravel this paradox, don't hesitate to look at these lines.

In good condition.

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