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Chronique des Pasquier - Tome 1

Chronique des Pasquier - Tome 1
Réf. 69456

DUHAMEL (Georges) illustrated by Berthold MAHN

Paris.  -  Union latine d'éditions.  -  Non-daté (XXe siècle).

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 220 pp.

Creamy shirt and case. Printed soft filled cream blanket. Uncut and uncut pages. Nice paper freshness. Excellent condition of the contents with black and colour lettering and black and white in- and out-of-text illustrations by Berthold MAHN. Very nice copy.

Copy on rag vellum from Renage's paper mills whose justification for the print run is noted on No. 10 of the collection.

Very fine copy of the first of the ten parts of the family saga written by Georges Duhamel during the first half of the 20th century. Do not hesitate to follow the exceptional career of this 19th century family. Its members work hard to satisfy their personal ambitions and aspirations. In addition to the author's style, let's not forget Berthold Mahn's drawings, which give the reader a good idea of their respective backgrounds.

Good as new.

From the same author

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