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Légende du beau Pécopin

And the beautiful Bauldour

Légende du beau Pécopin
Réf. 56895

HUGO (Victor)

Genève  -  Éditions du Verbe  -  1945.

  • Format : Petit in-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 119 pp.

Printed soft cover. Nice fresh paper. Uncut copy.

"La Légende du beau Pécopin et de la belle Bauldour" is a tale by Victor Hugo which constitutes the XXIst letter of his collection Le Rhin published in 1842. This legend introduces a fantastic romantic style into The Rhine".

Summary: "Pécopin, a romantic knight and Bauldour are engaged, but he is often away hunting and she, a spinster, waits for the wedding to unite them. Close to the wedding day, Pécopin meets a count and his troop of horsemen who enlist him for a fantastic hunt that takes him dangerously far away from the beautiful Bauldour".

In very good condition.

From the same author

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