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Les 100 plus belles pages de Marcel Béalu

Les 100 plus belles pages de Marcel Béalu
Réf. 56534

BÉALU (Marcel)

Paris  -  Pierre Belfond  -  1984.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 123 pp.

Printed soft cover. Nice fresh paper. Blanket and back a little faded.

Poetry" collection. Directed by Roland BUSSELEN.

Texts presented by René PLANTIER.

"The poet's mission is to disrupt the security guaranteed by the educator, the policeman, the magistrate. Nothing disturbs like the truth, the one who has refused the truth. Nothing disturbs like freedom for one who no longer aspires to freedom. Marcel Béalu is an assailant, he will hide to surprise us, he will push us beyond closed doors, he will hand us his "secret mirror", we will be surprised to recognize our face... From all of this work emerges a love of life that is subject to the ravages of time, the awareness of a very noble duty: that of savouring existence, day and night, in all its forms, from the water spider to the luminous mobility of women's bodies. "René Plantier.

Condition okay.

Categories : Classic edition, Poetry
From the same author

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