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Les romanesques

Comedy in three acts. In verse.

Les romanesques
Réf. 55306

ROSTAND (Edmond)

Paris  -  Eugène Fasquelle  -  1911.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 155 pp.

Binding half-shagreen burgundy with corners. Golden title. Good paper conservation.

48th mile.

"Les Romanesques is the first dramatic work by a obviously gifted poet. It is an imitative yet original comedy, thanks to a remarkable skill, that pierces through the classic and romantic memories of both Regnard and Musset. And while the language is very upbeat, picturesque and picaresque, the theme is simple and good-natured. The thing happens in the land of the blue, in an undetermined time, because we are talking about Watteau, whose lovers wear the favorite costume we also find a spadassin looking like a sixteenth century. "Le Figaro, 22/05/1894 (on Gallica).

In good condition.

From the same author

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