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Médecines et peintures

Médecines et peintures
Réf. 62822


Arcueil.  -  Innothéra - Laboratoire Chantereau.  -  Non-datés (XXe siècle).

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 18 tomes.
  • Binding : Paperbacks.
  • Collation : Non-painés.

Set of 18 volumes with printed soft cover. Frontispiece in colour or black and white. Good condition of the contents with black and white or colour reproductions in and out of text.

Series consisting of Nos. 58; 80-87; 90-98.

From Vlaminck to Velázquez, passing by Botticelli, plunge in the middle of all his works of art that are part of the pictorial heritage of Humanity. There is something for all tastes, for all periods. In other words, this collection is bound to please the art lover.

Very good condition.

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