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Colette Baudoche, histoire d'une jeune fille de Metz, édition originale

Colette Baudoche
Réf. 80355

BARRÈS (Maurice)

Paris  -  Librairie Félix Juven  -  1909

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 258 pp.

Bound in blue half-maroquin with corners. Spine slightly lightened. Head gilt. Cover and spine preserved. Untrimmed. Binding signed LAGADEC.

ORIGINAL EDITION. One of 75 numbered copies on Hollande van Gelder paper, the second paper after 25 copies on Japon impérial.

Good condition.

From the same author

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