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Dialogue d'ombres

dialogue d'ombres
Réf. 58384

BERNANOS (Georges)

Paris.  -  Plon.  -  1955.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 185 pp.

Printed soft cream blanket. Unshaded pages. Nice paper freshness. Lafuma watermarked.

LIMITED PULLING. One of the 115 copies on pure thread paper from the Lafuma paper mills in Voiron.

Collection of short stories from the pen of the French writer Georges Bernanos, including the following: Madame Dargent; Une nuit; Dialogue d'Ombres and Premiers essais romanesques. Like the rest of Bernanos's work, these writings - like the rest of his work - are entirely turned towards the immemorial theme of the struggle of Good against Evil.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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