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Discours de réception de M. Julien Green à l'Académie française., édition originale

Follow-up to the reply by Mr Pierre Gaxotte

discours de réception e M. Julien Green à l'académie française
Réf. 57279

GREEN (Julien); GAXOTTE (Pierre)

Paris.  -  Plon.  -  1973.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 101 pp.

Creamy, softly filled and printed blanket. Nice state of conservation of the whole work. Uncut and uncut pages.

FIRST EDITION. One of the 300 numbered copies on paper of Hollande van Gelder.

A book in excellent condition that gives us two precise moments of the welcome of a new member of the Académie française: the latter's speech entitled Qui sommes-nous?- in which he thanks the members of the assembly for this opportunity he has seized - and Pierre Gaxotte's reply.


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