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D'une guerre à l'autre

 d'une guerre à l'autre.
Réf. 56768

REQUIN (E. Général d'Armée)

Paris.  -  Charles-Lavauzelle.  -  1949.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Connected.
  • Collation : 257 pp.

Green half calf binding. Nerve-racked back with gold author's mention and title. Back and cover preserved. Coloured head slice. Black and white illustrations made by the author off-text. Work accompanied by a yellow cloth bookmark.

Copy with a SIGNED SELF-SIGNED SENSE FROM THE AUTHOR to Franck Warrin, "in memory of a long friendship".

Preface by General G. Vanier.

A military man's account of the inter-war period.

In good condition.

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