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En suivant l'Empereur : autres croquis de l'empereur

The little story - 7

En suivant l'Empereur : autres croquis de l'empereur
Réf. 58207


Paris.  -  Grasset.  -  1942.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Connected.
  • Collation : 292 pp.

Red half-shell binding. Four-nerve back with title and author's note gilded in the boxes. Rubbed nerves. Cover well preserved. Slightly browned pages but in good condition. Contents with black and white off-text illustrations. Work accompanied by a bookmark of multicoloured fabric.

Third draw.

Following the Emperor or the Great History told through small episodes. Although they do not necessarily represent the high points of Napoleon's life, they nevertheless shed some light on this period.

In good condition.

From the same author

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