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La Fuite. Poème dramatique en quatre actes et un épilogue., édition originale

La Fuite
Réf. 75121

TZARA (Tristan)

Paris  -  Gallimard  -  1947

  • Bookbinder : Jacques ANTHOINE-LEGRAIN
  • Format : In-12
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 97 pp.

In a full garnet morocco slipcase and folder with gilt title, signed D.H. MERCHER. Bound in garnet half morocco mosaic of black and white box pieces. Cream parchment boards, gilt, black and white fillets decorating the cover, surmounted on the first board by the title of the book in black, gilt and white. Head gilt. Cover and spine preserved. Binding signed Jacques ANTHOINE-LEGRAIN.

FIRST EDITION. One of the 13 first copies on vellum pur fil.

This copy is enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDING from the author: "To Louis Broder in all sympathy, this book written by mounts and vales. Tristan Tzara. Paris, January 21, 1952."

Very nice set.

From the same author

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