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Le cœur d' or, édition originale

Le cœur d' or
Réf. 52837

SOUPAULT (Philippe)

Paris  -  Grasset  -  1927.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 256 pp.

Soft cover printed slightly faded. Hooks at the top and bottom of the cap. Faded paper.

ORIGINAL EDITION on publishing paper.

Copy enriched with a SIGNED SELF SEND from Philippe SOUPAULT to Miss Gabrielle FRIEDRICKS: "to Miss Gabrielle Friedericks/ memories (with an s)/ very friendly of/ Philippe Soupault/ this book to prevent her from crying needlessly".

Condition of use.

From the same author

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