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Les joues en feu., édition originale

Ancient and unpublished poems 1917-1921.

les joues en feu
Réf. 53979

RADIGUET (Raymond)

Paris.  -  Grasset.  -  1925.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 104 pp.

Soft and cream printed cover. Pages not trimmed. A few uncut pages. Portrait of the author made by Picasso in frontispiece. Very good condition for the whole structure.

FIRST EDITION. One of the 1100 numbered copies on Lafuma pure vellum yarn.

Includes a poem by Max Jacob and a foreword written by the author.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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