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Lettrines I, Lettrines II, édition originale

Lettrines I, Lettrines II
Réf. 76613

GRACQ (Julien)

Paris  -  José Corti  -  1967-1974

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 218 pp. Tome 2: 244 pp.

Yellow and purple soft cover. Uncut.

ORIGINAL EDITION limited to 270 numbered copies. One of 200 copies on Alfa foam and one of 80 copies on Johannot pure thread.

With Lettrines, if Julien Gracq inaugurates a writing style that escapes a classical definition, it does not seem exaggerated to think that he renews an original form of expression. These Lettrines come from notebooks kept from day to day. It is "a very free set, a mosaic of reading notes, thoughts, memories", he said in an interview.

Very nice condition.

From the same author

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