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Mademoiselle Dax, jeune fille, édition originale

Mademoiselle Dax, jeune fille
Réf. 83067

FARRÈRE (Claude)

Paris  -  Paul Ollendorff  -  1908

  • Bookbinder : Ed. KLEIN
  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 307 pp.

In bordered slipcase. Bound in navy blue morocco. Spine ribbed, gilt date at foot. Gilt edges on witnesses. Cover and spine preserved. Untrimmed. Binding signed Ed. KLEIN.

ORIGINAL EDITION. One of 30 numbered copies on Hollande, the third paper after 5 Japon and 5 Chine.

A very fine copy.

From the same author

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