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Réflexions sur la politique extérieure de la France. Introduction à vingt-cinq discours (1981-1985)., édition originale

Réflexions sur la politique extérieure de la France. Introduction à vingt-cinq discours (1981-1985).
Réf. 71988


Paris  -  Fayard  -  1986

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 441 pp.

Soft cover with flaps. Partly uncut.

FIRST EDITION. One of 50 numbered copies on Japon Bambou paper from Navarre paper mills, the only large paper.

This copy is enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER signed by François Mitterrand.

Very good condition.

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