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Un Homme coupé en tranches, édition originale

Un Homme coupé en tranches
Réf. 43837


Paris  -  Paul Hartmann  -  1929

  • Format : In-8 carré.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 89 pp.

Undercover filled. Illustrated with 18 original etchings in full colour on a full page by Jean BRULLER, they symbolize 18 facets, or "slices", of the personality of the same character, the author, seen by 18 people who know him: his wife, his son, his mother...

ORIGINAL EDITION LIMITED to 459 numbered copies. This one of the 15 on Holland van Gelder containing a signed ORIGINAL DRAWING enhanced with watercolour and a suite.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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