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L' Aiglon

Drama in six acts in verse

L' Aiglon
Réf. 54961

ROSTAND (Edmond)

Paris  -  Fasquelle Éditeurs  -  1930.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 262 pp.

Modern green half-percaline binding, black title piece on back. Good paper conservation. Title label a little faded.

Drama in six acts and in verse, first performed at the Sarah-Bernhardt Theatre on March 15, 1900.

The 6 acts have symbolic titles: The growing wings - The flapping wings - The opening wings - The bruised wings - The broken wings - The closed wings. Rostand specifies his project in the quatrain placed as an epigraph to the drama:

Good God! It's not a cause.

Whether I attack or defend
, and this is nothing more than

story of a poor child.

In very good condition.

From the same author

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