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La femme et le pantin

La femme et le pantin
Réf. 68372

LOUYS (Pierre)

Paris.  -  Georges Crès et Cie.  -  1912.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 225 pp.

Brown half-shell binding with corners. Smooth mosaic spine in colours, with gilt title, floral motifs and author's note. Dishes with gilt fillets along the spine. Rubbed caps, jaws and mosaic pieces. Ex-libris in the form of a label on the back cover. Pages not removed. Black and white frontispiece. Excellent condition of the contents with black and white lettering, bands and lampheads.

LIMITED PULL. One of the 900 numbered copies on paper of the manufactures de Rives.

Collection "LES MAITRES DU LIVRE". n°14.

Book with a fine binding serving as a case for one of the works of Pierre Louÿs, a French author who lived between the 19th and 20th centuries. The woman and the puppet takes the reader on the tortured paths of love, warning him not to become the plaything of his passions.

Nice condition of the contents.

From the same author

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