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La psychologie des femmes - Tome premier.

Childhood and adolescence

La psychologie des femmes - Tome premier
Réf. 62395

DEURSCH (Hélène)

Paris.  -  Presses Universitaires de France.  -  1969.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 329 pp.

Printed soft blue cover. Moderate wear of the cover. Small tears on the front cover bit. Stitches on the head edge. Freckles on the guards. Nice freshness of the paper as a whole.

Fifth edition.


Translated from the 7th American edition by Dr. Hubert Benoit. Original title: The Psychology of Women.

In good condition.

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