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Le deuxième livre des quatrains

Le deuxième livre des quatrains
Réf. 79763

JAMMES (Francis)

Paris  -  Mercure de France  -  1923.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 68 pp.

Filled printed soft cover. Uncut copy. Good paper freshness.

Francis Jammes, born in Tournay on 2 December 1868 and died in Hasparren on 1ᵉʳ November 1938, is a French poet, novelist, playwright and critic. He spent most of his life in Béarn and the Basque Country, the main sources of his inspiration.

EDITIONS ORIGINALLY LIMITED to 650 numbered copies on Lafuma pure vellum yarn. This is one of the numbered copies without justification.

In very good condition.

From the same author

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