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Le Ferro-magnétisme - Applications industrielles

Le Ferro-magnétisme - Applications industrielles
Réf. 62524


Paris.  -  Octade Doin & Fils.  -  Non-daté (XXe siècle).

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : III - 410 - XII pp.

Orange full-percaline binding. Smooth spine with framed binding, title and author's statement in black, publisher's and collection statements in red. First cover with framed fillets, title and author's name in black, series and publisher's notes in red. Second course with black framed net and red fleuron patch. Remarkable binding. Red headband. Burnished paper. Good condition of contents. Bookplate with label and handwriting on the back cover.


In good condition.

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