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Le socialisme sans doctrines.

The Agrarian Question and the Labour Question in Australia and New Zealand

le socialisme sans doctrines
Réf. 57981

METIN (Albert)

Paris.  -  Félix ALcan.  -  1901.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : 281 pp.

Bradel full-percaline blue binding. Smooth spine with fleuron, author's mention and title in black. Burnished paper.


A book about applying the theories of a movement of thought that was still very young at the time: socialism. In order to familiarize opinion and avoid offending sensitivities, the author proposes a reasoned and orderly approach while citing the case of two countries as examples.

In good condition.

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