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L'écrin secret du bibliophile.

1. Milord l'arsouille - 2. the dangers of love - 3. the origin of wild assholes - 4. secret songs

l'écrin secret du bibliophile
Réf. 56903

HAUMONT (Jacques); LOUYS (Pierre); LE PILEUR (L.)

Paris.  -  Cercle du livre précieux.  -  1961.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 4 tomes.
  • Binding : Sheets.
  • Collation : Tome 1 : 70 pp.; Tome 2 : 36 pp.; Tome 3 : 33 pp.; Tome 4 : 36 pp.

Set of four volumes in a cardboard case and folder. Soft, colour-printed, full-colour blankets. Pages not taken down. Paper in good condition overall. Illustrations in black and white or colour off-text.

LIMITED PULLING. One of the 1500 numbered copies on pure Johannot thread.

Collection "L'ÉCRIN SECRET DU BIBLIOPHILE". n°17 to 20.

Based on Jacques Haumont's models.

Small selection of naughty books, all well protected by its protective case.

Very good condition.

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