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Les Chênes qu’on abat...

Les Chênes qu’on abat...
Réf. 77831


Paris  -  Gallimard  -  1971

  • Bookbinder : HONNELAITRE
  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 235 pp.

In a lined slipcase and half morocco folder with small overlaps. Brown morocco binding with frame. Smooth spine. Light beige laid paper boards decorated with mosaics of oxidized photographic paper streaked in different shades of brown around an oval shape resined with white. On the back, reminder of the two mosaics of the first plate by two other matching butting against the morocco. Gilded head. Cover and spine preserved. Binding signed HONNELAITRE.

FIRST EDITION. This is one of 310 numbered copies on vellum pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, second paper after 80 copies on Hollande.

Very nice condition.

From the same author

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