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Les chiens à fouetter, édition originale

On some of the evils of literary society and on the young people who are about to suffer from them.

Les chiens à fouetter
Réf. 56765


Paris  -  Julliard  -  1956.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 131 pp.

Printed soft cover with flaps. Uncut copy. Nice fresh paper. Rare freckles.

"In 1956, François Nourissier was for three years Secretary General of the Denoël publishing house. French literature, his life, his works, he knows it like the back of his hand, but it's a pocket all there is to it. Hence this delicate pamphlet in the form of an imposed exercise, where the art of ankle aiming and dry tackling is masterfully practised, with a beaded touch that is all the rage".

ORIGINAL EDITION on publishing paper.

Copy enriched with a SIGNED SELF-SIGNED SENSE from the author.

In good condition.

From the same author

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