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Les Conquérants, édition originale

Les Conquérants
Réf. 76694


Paris  -  Bernard Grasset  -  1928

  • Bookbinder : Godillot
  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 269 pp.

In a lined slipcase and half morocco banded folder. Bound in full English green morocco. Spine with gilt title and date at foot. All edges gilt. Double cover and spine preserved. Binding signed M. Godillot.

Collection "Les cahiers verts".

FIRST EDITION. One of 63 numbered copies on Madagascar (n°1).

Divided in three parts, "The approaches", "Powers" and "Man", the book traces the life, in the middle of the Chinese revolution, of Garine and Borodine, adventurers aiming at the emancipation of the Chinese people.

Perfect jansenist binding by Godillot.

From the same author

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