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Les dictateurs, édition originale

Les dictateurs
Réf. 84274


Paris  -  Denoël et Steele  -  1935

  • Format : In-12
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Collation : 300pp

Soft cover. Uncut. Untrimmed.

ORIGINAL EDITION. One of 20 numbered copies on Japon impérial, first large paper.

The last book to appear during the author's lifetime, in which he traces the history of dictatorships through the ages.

"Dictatorship is like many things. It can be the best or the worst form of government.
There are excellent dictatorships. There are detestable ones. Good or bad, they are most often imposed by circumstance."

Very nice copy

From the same author

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