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Les enfants tristes, édition originale

Les enfants tristes
Réf. 78745

NIMIER (Roger)

Paris  -  Gallimard  -  1951

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 331 pp.

Bound in fawn half-chagrin with small corners. Smooth spine with gilt date on tail. Cover and spine preserved. Paper uniformly browned.

FIRST EDITION. Press copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPH ENVOILED SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR: "A madame Simone, l'amitié de Roger Nimier si elle en veut, " Les enfants tristes " si elle a du temps à perdre". Attached to this copy is AN AUTOGRAPHIC LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR.

Good condition.

From the same author

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