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Nord, édition originale

Réf. 77794

CÉLINE (Louis-Ferdinand)

Paris  -  Gallimard  -  [13 mai] 1960.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 461 pp.

In a slipcase-sleeve signed elbel libro. Not cut.

FIRST EDITION. One of the first 45 numbered copies on Hollande van Gelder vellum paper.

Second part of the German trilogy - after D'un château l'autre -, the book is illustrated with a map of Germany. Céline tells of his stay in Baden-Baden in July 1944 with Lucette Destouches, the cat Bébert and the actor Robert le Vigan, then in Berlin and finally in the small village of Zornhof, before their arrival in Sigmaringen

Very nice condition.

From the same author

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