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Omar Khayyam dans ses Robaiyat.

With a biography of the Persian poet, astronomer and statesman...

Omar Khayyam dans ses Robaiyat
Réf. 69874

KHAYYAM (Omar); HA'NISH (Zar-Adusht, Dr.)

PAris.  -  Aryana.  -  Non-daté (XXe siècle).

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 103 pp.

Yellow cover with soft printed flaps. Back faded and rubbed. Slight wear of the cover. Burnished paper. Good condition of the contents with a black and white board and black and white stripes and end caps.

In good condition.

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