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Ombre de mon Amour, avec de nombreux documents et dessins inédits et un portrait d’Apollinaire par Picasso., édition originale

Ombre de mon Amour, avec de nombreux documents et dessins inédits et un portrait d’Apollinaire par Picasso.
Réf. 82177


Vésenaz près Genève  -  Pierre Cailler  -  1947

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 171 pp.

Jansenist red morocco binding. Spine ribbed with gilt date on tail. All edges gilt. Covers and spine preserved. Red morocco lining and red moire endpapers. Spine slightly darkened. The frontispiece features a photographic portrait of Apollinaire in military uniform on the recto, and a reproduction of the portrait drawn by Picasso on the verso.

ORIGINAL EDITION. One of 50 numbered copies on antique cream vellum paper (2nd paper, after 20 vellum pur fil, of this limited edition of 3,420 copies).

The collection includes most of the poems sent from the front to Louise de Coligny Châtillon, whom the poet met in Nice in 1914, and who inspired his violent passion.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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