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Protagoras et autres dialogues.

Protagoras - Euthydema - Gorgias - Ménexene - Menon - Cratyle

Protagoras et autres dialogues
Réf. 53945


Paris.  -  Garnier-Flammarion.  -  1967.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 503 pp.

Soft and printed white cover, enriched with an illustration by Yves Raynaud. Slight wear marks on the cover. Although slightly yellowed on the edges, the paper is of good quality and the content unaltered.

Translation, notices and notes by Emile Chambry.

This book brings together several dialogues written by Plato, the famous philosopher of ancient Greece.

Very good condition.

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