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Saint Thomas d'Aquin - Tomes I et II

Saint Thomas d'Aquin - Tomes I et II
Réf. 59098


Paris.  -  Félix Alcan.  -  1922.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome I : 334 pp.; Tome II : 350 pp.

Set of two tomes with a half-binding. Spine with five nerves with title, author's mention and gilt tomaison in the boxes. All edges speckled. Burnished paper. Bookmarked with cloth bookmarks. Fine copies.

3rd edition.


A two-volume series compiling and explaining the theories of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an illustrious figure of the Middle Ages, both a man of religion and a philosopher. This double-status is surely what must have pushed him to set up a philosophy combining faith and reason. Proof that the two notions can be joined together can be found on the pages of these books.

In good condition.

From the same author

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